Tidak ada tokoh dalam Perjanjian Lama yang paling sering dijuluki “Abdi Allah” (Ibrani:) selain dari Elia, khususnya Elisa, nabi penggantinya di masa monarki Israel. Kisah kedua tokoh tersebut terdapat dalam 1-2Raja-Raja, kitab yang termasuk dalam apa yang biasa disebut oleh para ahli sebagai Sejarah Deuteronomistik. Sejarah tersebut mengalami redaksi sedikitnya dua kali, yakni sebelum dan sesudah pembuangan. Tidak ada kata sepakat di antara para ahli mengenai kualitas apa yang hendak diungkapkan dengan julukan tersebut. Satu hal yang menarik diperhatikan adalah bahwa julukan “Abdi Allah” tersebut dipakai hanya dalam teks-teks yang muncul sesudah masa pembuangan. Dipakainya julukan tersebut kepada Musa yang dalam Ul 18 dipandang sebagai “mo...
This article examines the religions held by the messengers of Allah, as it represented in the Qur’an...
Allah, insanların içinden Hz. Âdem’den Hz. Muhammed’e kadar onlara yaşamlarında önder ve örnek olaca...
One of the basic substative content of the Qur'an is the the story of the past as a form of dakwah m...
Makna Allah “beristirahat” pada hari ketujuh menarik untuk ditelaah. Dalam Kejadian 2:2,3 kata “ist...
Nabi-Nabi Israel banyak dikemukakan Kitab Suci Agama Kristen, baik Perjanjian Lama maupun Perjanjian...
Nabi-Nabi Israel banyak dikemukakan Kitab Suci Agama Kristen, baik Perjanjian Lama maupun Perjanjian...
Yüce Allah, peygamberliği Hz. Âdem’le başlatmış, Hz. Muhammed ile noktalamıştır. İkisi arasında birç...
Anahtar Kelimeler: Mu’tezile, Eş’ariyye, Allah’ın sıfatları, tevhîd, halk’ul-Kur’ân, ru’yetullahÖZET...
The term “qadash” is derived from the root word qad which its basic definition is “tocut off” the us...
Abstract: Theological Studies of Problem God’s Action Wearing Balaam To Bless Israel In Numbers 22-2...
“Hac” kelimesi, sözlükte: “yönelmek, kastetmek, ziyaret etmek ve bir yere gitmek” anlamlarında kulla...
Lord has chosen dan determined Zion-Jerusalem as his city. The election and the determination of Zio...
Bukti penyertaan Tuhan dalam kehidupan bangsa Israel sungguh nyata. Tuhan bukan saja memperken...
God is fully sovereign over the life of His people and He allows everything happening naturally in e...
This article aims to study the phrase “Son of God” that is a common term in the Bible, both in the J...
This article examines the religions held by the messengers of Allah, as it represented in the Qur’an...
Allah, insanların içinden Hz. Âdem’den Hz. Muhammed’e kadar onlara yaşamlarında önder ve örnek olaca...
One of the basic substative content of the Qur'an is the the story of the past as a form of dakwah m...
Makna Allah “beristirahat” pada hari ketujuh menarik untuk ditelaah. Dalam Kejadian 2:2,3 kata “ist...
Nabi-Nabi Israel banyak dikemukakan Kitab Suci Agama Kristen, baik Perjanjian Lama maupun Perjanjian...
Nabi-Nabi Israel banyak dikemukakan Kitab Suci Agama Kristen, baik Perjanjian Lama maupun Perjanjian...
Yüce Allah, peygamberliği Hz. Âdem’le başlatmış, Hz. Muhammed ile noktalamıştır. İkisi arasında birç...
Anahtar Kelimeler: Mu’tezile, Eş’ariyye, Allah’ın sıfatları, tevhîd, halk’ul-Kur’ân, ru’yetullahÖZET...
The term “qadash” is derived from the root word qad which its basic definition is “tocut off” the us...
Abstract: Theological Studies of Problem God’s Action Wearing Balaam To Bless Israel In Numbers 22-2...
“Hac” kelimesi, sözlükte: “yönelmek, kastetmek, ziyaret etmek ve bir yere gitmek” anlamlarında kulla...
Lord has chosen dan determined Zion-Jerusalem as his city. The election and the determination of Zio...
Bukti penyertaan Tuhan dalam kehidupan bangsa Israel sungguh nyata. Tuhan bukan saja memperken...
God is fully sovereign over the life of His people and He allows everything happening naturally in e...
This article aims to study the phrase “Son of God” that is a common term in the Bible, both in the J...
This article examines the religions held by the messengers of Allah, as it represented in the Qur’an...
Allah, insanların içinden Hz. Âdem’den Hz. Muhammed’e kadar onlara yaşamlarında önder ve örnek olaca...
One of the basic substative content of the Qur'an is the the story of the past as a form of dakwah m...